Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The sky is the limit??!!

Hi from Canada again,
Well this is our new wheels! We insured and got the rego for it today. If I say it took us from 8.30am to 3.30pm to do this, I am not joking. In Canada you have to get insurance and rego before you can actually drive the car. The gentleman we brought the car of was kind enough to let us borrow the car to run around while we did all the business. Because I havent got an Alberta licence that is why it was so complicated for us, even though Phil has one. Anyway I could write a book about it, but if we didnt laugh we would cry Im sure. So Tina goes off to do her first real grocery shop in our new/old car and get to the checkout, and tried to pay, but had overdrawn my limit for the day, so no money. Had to finally, after also refusing my already approved cheque, I had to use visa card. We only have an australian visa so hope the exchange rate is good at 7.30pm today. (We carnt get a Canadian visa till we are residence of Canada) but that is another book in itself. Here is a picture of the little beauty????
It is Fall as off yesterday. The trees are a picture, we have had a lot of wind so they are falling pretty quickly. this one was taken by Phil on his trip to Ontario out of the truck window of course. Hopefully while in the Rockies with out English friends we will be able to get some better ones. Apparently the rockies have a lovely cover of snow again so we are so looking forward to that. The weather was 16 degrees today but was only 6 on Sunday. We get a frost most mornings now.
The sunsets out over here are just amazing. This was taken on our way out of Edmonton. The sky seems much bigger here and definately bluer. Phils Mum even commented on that. Perhaps its is because it is such a slower pace here that we have more time to look. We have many photos of sunsets. One day before we come home I hope to get a sunrise up on the mountains. This photo was also taken out of the truck window. When we are driving in the truck we carnt really stop every time we see something we want to take a photo off or we would never get the load delivered. The squirrels and chipmunks are busy throwing there pinecones down and taking them to wherever they are going to live for the winter. Some say this means that the squirrels know that winter is coming early, so are getting ready. Maybe it is so just like they say in Australia when the ants are out and about it means it is going to rain. ?? Who knows.
This was an incredible sky that I loved and it came out beautifully. Canada has the dancing lights, which I have forgotten what they are called, in the nights. We havent seen them yet which is surprising all the miles Phil has travelled. Aparently they are just spectacular and the folk over here are still amazed by them.
This week as I said we are planning to go to Jasper and the Columbian Ice fields with Mark and Linda our English 4 hour friends. I call them this as we met on a boat in Vietnam for just a few hours. We clicked straight away and when they visited Australia on their world trip they spent several weeks including Christmas with us. They also spent 10 days or so with Tim and Kate at their home by the beach. We have kept in contact and just am so excited to show them some of Canada. Great friends can be made in such a short time. We have made some great friends over here. The folk at West End Christian Reformed Church have been incredible with there time and generousity towards us.

On the 8th October is Thanksgiving. This is a new celebration for us and we look forward to taking part in this time of Thanksgiving to God for what he has done. People do bring produce and tins etc to a special service held on thanksgiving day and it is given to the less fortunate in the community. Also the end of October sees Halloween. If we think the shop in Australia go crazy at Christmas time, well you aint seen nothing yet. Every shop has halloween stuff decorating it. It quite a huge festival here.

Well must go and get supper and start to clean for our visitor, which will take about 20 mins as the unit is quite small. ha ha
I promise more fall photos next week.


Monday, September 17, 2007

Some Humour

Hi to all,

Well been a bit slack lately in the blogging department. Just thought I would show some of the funny photos we have taken in our travel.
Yes this is Phils head and Yes that is a squirrel or chipmunk, we are not quite sure. There are signs everywhere not to feed the critters but Phil just bent down to this little guy and he crawled all over him. How cute they are, I mean the squirrels!

This next photo is taken in the washrooms/restrooms/bathroom/toilets at the top of the Coccahala range (sorry not sure of spelling). I thought the sign above the toilets was so funny, I went back to the truck and brought back my camera. Two "park rangers" were sitting outside the restrooms chatting to Phil and one of them laughed when he saw me with the camera, saying a lot of women had seen the humour in the sign. The other ranger didnt have a clue what we were talking about, as he didnt see the humour in it.

If you look closely to the sign on the back it says "St Kilda Bch, Melbourne"
This tram was a gift to edmonton from St Kilda in Melbourne. Kylie just lives near here which is quite funny. It just is a fun ride for only a few dollars across the river. It is totally done up and run by a group of volunteers. It was funny to here the conductors talking about the history of Victoria.

The Fall leaves are in full display at the moment which are just beautiful. But the temperatures are starting to drop with the first snow falls coming on the mountains and near by towns. Phil has gone to Toronto and will be away for 8 to 10 days. On the 26th Sept, Mark and Linda are coming over for a week from England so that will be fantstic. Carnt wait actually.

Hope you all have a great week and have enjoyed the photos. Dont know if many read our blog anymore as we dont get any feed back, but thats probably because we are slack in our blogs.

Okay See ya

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Off to Toronto

Just a short note to let you know the roads I have traveled in the last week and the week to come.
Last week it was down to Vancouver back to calgary and up to Fort St John, all in Alberta and British Columbia, and I am off to Toronto this week (3300 Klm, 3 days + a bit of solid driving one way), and then home
Hope all is well with you all