Saturday, June 23, 2007

Can you bear it

This is one of the mountains about an hour west of Jasper, the above photo (for the camera Techno's) was taken using a Kodak basic digital camera and adding a specialised high power lens to the front. (actually I put the camera lens into the eye socket of our binoculars and hoped for the best), and it worked well. below is the same mountain taken from the same location.

Now BEAR with us for the next 2 Photos.

I should have tried the camera binocular combination here, if you enlarge the picture (double click on it) and look in the tree directly above the mother bear you can see 2 cubs in the tree

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

From bears to rattle snakes.

We had a lovely week "on the Road again". Most of our time was spent in the rocky mountains which was just amazing. I can't explain how beautiful they are, even though the snow is melting now. A lot of the mountains have waterfalls on them from the melting snow. Also lots of the rivers were nearly in flood and some of the lakes were full. We also saw 10 bears, I can't believe that. A lot of folk actually living here have never seen that many. Oh they are so cute, black shinny coats, 5 of them were cubs, and one was a brown bear. We saw a lot of other animals but couldn't believe it when a coyote and her 3 little cubs ran across the road. It was like their first lesson in crossing the busy road. "Come on guys its now or never". Every turn in the road is like a near experience. We also drove through some desert country where apparently there are rattle snakes. We didn't see any, actually we didn't see any wild life at all in the desert. The photo below was of a dam we passed which had beautiful images on it. This was taken at 10.15 pm. Not bad! It is getting dark around 10.45 then light again around 4.30am.
This is yet another beautiful photo of the Rockies. I think this mountain has snow all year round as there are a few glaciers on it. It is just amazing.

I am in the process of packing to come back to Australia for 5 weeks. I am really looking forward to coming and seeing the kids and my Gorgeous Grandson. He is nearly crawling now. It will be interesting for Phil to be here on his own I think he might miss me. I am spending 2 and a bit weeks with Tim, Kate, Elijah and Josh then a week in Tassy with Kylie and Clay. I am then going to Tamworth for a weekend retreat at Cottage on the Hill (with my wild quilting friends). I have my mammogram in Tamworth on the Monday, dinner with my special friends from Johnson St Group home, which i am so looking forward to. When I come back Phil's Mum will be with me. She will be with us for 6 weeks. I am looking forward to sharing this experience with her. So many new things to see, taste, experience new animals and new weather patterns.

Tim, Kate, Josh and Jane got their fair share of water last weekend. Tim and Kate kept the water out of their house with towels etc and had a few days without power. Josh and Jane managed to have the car break down (thanks Jane's Dad for coming to the rescue) and being stopped by snow on the way to the Bible conference, but had an enjoyable weekend and returned home safely. Kylie is fine, busy as always, she got some really great deals so we can fly round the country side. and Clayton is fine??? Put it this way no news from him is good news!!!!

I must welcome Aunty Joyce and Uncle Les to the blog. I believe Aunty Joyce brought a printer and is sharing this blog with other friends and family. What fun. Hope it is still interesting and enjoyable for you to read. My problem is there is so much to say and share that it is hard to know where to begin.
Love to you all. Tina

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Minus 20 to Plus 20 mid Winter to late Spring

6 pictures for you to see the difference from winter to late spring over here, The change over the past 3 months is amazing, from the spectacular blue silver of the snow to the vibrant greens and other colours of spring.

These photos are of the bed and breakfast we stayed in the first night we arrived, Tina visited to say hi to the owners and take a few now pics (Tina and Ruth have become quite good friends), The bed and breakfast is the Streetside Bed and Breakfast and if you need accomodation in Edmonton we recomend it to you.

Edmonton Canada Feburary 12 2007.

May 31 2007
Feb 12 2007
May 31 2007

Minus 20 to Plus 20 in 3 months